Biannual International Peer - Reviewed Journal Published by ISDESR | ISSN: 2455-2445 (E) / 2395-3160 (P)
About Institute
The Institute of Sustainable Development, Environmental & Scientific Research (ISDESR) was registered in July 1992, under Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958. Though in the beginning, the Institute’s main objective was limited to carrying out studies in the field of environmental preservation, natural resources, rainwater harvesting awareness, etc. it grew much beyond the initial concept. Within a short span of time, it has widened its scope to cover up the socio-economic aspects of the community. Environmental studies have effectively two aspects, firstly the physical environment comprising of land, water, air, and other natural features, while the second aspect deals with the community or people who live and inhabit it. Their approach and behavior towards the environment become very significant. Both these aspects are closely linked and any study regarding the environment can’t be completed until and unless both the aspects are properly considered. Keeping in view the significance of the environmental preservation problems, the Institute of Sustainable Development Environmental & Scientific Research has been established with a team of members having expertise in various fields. Our members are Geographers, Environmentalists, Social scientists, Economists, Educationists, and subject Experts of related disciplines.