Volume 10 (02), July 2024



Hasibur Rahaman Molla


Light pollution, the excessive and misdirected artificial lighting in urban areas, has become a growing environmental concern with far-reaching implications. India, as a rapidly developing country, has witnessed a substantial increase in artificial lighting over the past few decades. The expanding urbanization, commercialization and infrastructure development have led to a significant rise in outdoor lighting, resulting in the encroachment of artificial light into the nighttime environment. This paper explores the sources of light pollution in India, including streetlights, advertising signage, industrial facilities and residential areas. The impacts of light pollution on human health are multifaceted. Disruption of circadian rhythms, sleep disorders and increased risks of chronic diseases are among the significant health consequences associated with excessive artificial lighting. The research also highlights the ecological effects of light pollution on wildlife, such as altered behavior, disrupted migratory patterns and reduced biodiversity. This research paper provides a comprehensive overview of light pollution in India, addressing its causes, impacts and potential mitigation strategies. It emphasizes the urgency of taking collective action to minimize light pollution and protect the natural darkness of the night sky, while also fostering sustainable development and improving the well-being of human populations and ecosystems.


Journal’s Code

Frequency : Biannual

Language : English

ISSN (E) : 2455-2445

ISSN (P) : 2395-3160

Impact Factor

SJIF (2017) : 6.087